Honey, I Shrunk the Kids
German title: Liebling, ich habe die Kinder geschrumpft
Francaise title: Chérie, j’ai réduit les enfants
Spain title: Cariño, he encogido a los niños
Greek title: Αγάπη μου, συρρίκνωσα τα παιδιά
Russian title: Дорогая, я уменьшил детей
Original title: Honey, I Shrunk the Kids
Alternative titles:
Honey, I Shrunk the Kids | Liebling, ich hab’ die Kinder geschrumpft | Querida, encogí a los niños | Chérie, j’ai rétréci les gosses | Agapi mou, syrriknosa ta paidia | Αγαπη μου, συρρικνωσα τα παιδια
Fantasy comedy – USA
Production year: 1988
Movie length: 101 minutes
Director: Joe Johnston
Movie description:
Wayne Szalinski is your average nutty scientist, working on a top secret machine which miniaturizes objects. When it unexpectedly starts working, he’s so amazed he forgets to tell his family to be careful. And when they wander into his lab.
Boy Actors
Thomas Wilson Brown(Russell »Russ« Thompson Jr.)
Birthday: 27.12.1972
Age of the actor:
approximately 15 years old
Jared Rushton(Ronald »Ron« Thompson)
Birthday: 03.03.1974
Age of the actor:
approximately 14 years old
Robert Oliveri(Nick Szalinski)
Birthday: 28.04.1978
Age of the actor:
approximately 10 years old
Carl Steven(Tommy Pervis)
Birthday: 07.11.1974
Day of death: 31.07.2011
Age of the actor:
approximately 13 years old
More informations
This film was registered by Heiner into the movie list!
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